There's Nothing Better than Celebrating Communication

Together as World Language Teachers 


Join us for the 5th Annual Celebration of Proficiency-Oriented Instruction at the FREE virtual conference - Practical & Comprehensible! 


 Celebrate the joy and possibilities of  proficiency

with like-minded  teachers 

Refresh your world language teaching  practice with a community-oriented virtual conference  

Yes! Send me my free ticket for this online conference for world language teachers 


So much more than a free world language conference 

Here's what other teachers are saying!



Get ready for this hotfire speaker lineup. You won't want to miss this! 

Day 1 - Celebrate YOU! 

We're celebrating you as the teacher. You're the hear t of the classroom experience. Time to pour into your cup ❤️

July 29th  

Jennifer Degenhardt & Theresa Marrama of Digilangua

Lessen Your Planning: Getting the Most out of the Comprehensible Novel

Sophia Forker   

Building a thematic unit from the ground up!

Allison Perryman

Language Learners to Global Citizens: How YOU Can Make a Difference Using Social Justice in YOUR Class

Pav from FLE avec MmeD

Surviving the Storm: Insider Strategies for Teaching Without Prep and Dodging Burnout

Connie J Navarro

Rock Your Evaluation: Teachers' Guide to Success

Bryce Hedstrom

What I've Learned About Teaching by Learning and Teaching a New Language

Tia Parnell

From Chaos to Control: A Teacher's Guide to Effective Classroom Management

Amy Marshall 

Work Smarter Not Harder

Day 1 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass


LIVE: Devon Gunning - La Libre Language Learning

LIVE: Get Started Tomorrow: 10 Things You NEED for a Proficiency-Oriented Classroom

Day 2 -Celebrate Our Students

July 30th

We're learning how to better celebrate EVERY student by understanding them, empowering them, and turning up the volume on the conversation around equity and marginalized voices  

Kia D. London

Celebrating the Middle: Middle School Activities to Maintain Joy

Devon Gunning - La Libre Language Learning

That's so Mid. (Novice Mid!) Demystify Proficiency Levels & Craft Curriculum Like a Boss

Grace V. Sotomayor Mantri

How I Turned a Generational Insecurity Into a CI Story that Celebrates Both My Students And Me

Jocelynn Hubbard

Communication Redefined: The Key Role of Equity

Courtney Nygaard

Celebrating Identity and Dialects in Heritage Spanish Class

Erin - The Engaged Spanish Classroom

Hexagonal Grouping in World Language Classrooms: Enhance student confidence and critical thinking!

Jenniffer Whyte

Celebrating Afro-Descendants from Panama

Claudia Elliott

Starting Strong: Embracing an Asset-Based Approach from Day One

Day 2 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass

July 30th


Celebrating ALL Students - Special Live Workshop

Day 3 - Celebrate Communication! 

July 31st

We're putting everything together on the final day by honing in on activities, perspectives, and input & output! 

Allison Wienhold

Supportive Speaking Activities

Timothy Chávez

Languages as Lenses: Designing Thematic Units for Cultural Insights and Social Justice

Ben Tinsley

Cultivating Global Literacy: Comprehensible Folktales in the Modern Language Classroom

Courtney Bonino 

ARTful Lesson Planning: 12 Simple Lessons for Any Art Unit

John Sifert

Calendar Talk is WAY More Than Just Calendars!

Joshua Cabral

Sorry (not sorry), But Your Students WILL Keep Asking to Do These Activities

Profesora Delgadillo

CELEBRATE Output with Hexagonal Thinking!

Day 3 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass

July 31

Sherry Sebesta | World Language Café 
Ideas to Get Students Speaking More Target Language in Class 

Amy Marshall

Story Listening Masterclass 

Here's what other teachers are saying!

You're not supposed to figure out proficiency on your own. 


CELEBRATE the power of community with us & find your people!


Get inspired and reignite your spark with a supportive community that's eager to nerd out on SLA and all things language teacher with you!  


You're completely overwhelmed trying to make sense of all the info out there about proficiency....let alone making it happen consistently in class. 

You know that cool stuff is possible, but it feels like pulling teeth to get your students to respond to your target language rich activities.

With teaching getting more demanding every year, how can you possibly add a curriculum revamp or new teaching ideas into the mix? 

You care ALOT about doing right by your students. (maybe too much). You've been losing sleep over your shoddy materials, way out of touch and out of date curriculum, and methods that only seem to reward those who are already doing well in school. 

You know there are better ways to support your students...but all the advice you can find is for people who teach in English. What about target language focused classrooms? 

You know proficiency must be important, but you have little support at school. Which means that you are somehow wearing ALL.THE.HATS. 

- program advocate

-curriculum designer??? (whyyyy)

- your own department chair and instructional coach 

- you have to search for mentors online because there's no one in a 20 mile radius who knows what "late-acquired" or "acquisition-driven instruction"  means 

It's time to take proficiency off the back burner and see what's possible


practical, actionable ideas you can use tomorrow 

Get your free ticket

Register to get your free spot at the conference - you don't want to miss this lineup! 


Devon Gunning | La Libre Language Learning 

Hi! I'm  a curriculum designer, consultant, and instructional coach for proficiency-style world language teachers. 

My specialty is making your curriculum a USEFUL tool that drives your proficiency goals instead of something you're embarrassed to still be using. 

In my program Practical Proficiency, I help teachers who want to do more  CI/ADI/Proficiency teach what matters, in a way that works, and still have a life.  

This summit was born in 2020 for busy, like-minded teachers to start using CI as a way to streamline your classroom instead of adding to your workload.

Covid was all up in our business, and teachers needed community to get through it all.

5 conferences later, Practical & Comprehensible isa highly anticipated yearly event in the proficiency community.

It's a place where many teachers learn about CI for the first time, and where others remember that they're not alone in their struggle to advocate for proficiency. 

I can't wait for you to join us this year in the anniversary celebration!

Thanks for making 5 conferences possible! 




The Details


JULY 29-31st

We have a convenient combination of On-Demand Trainings & LIVE workshops. 

On-demand trainings go live each day for 24 hours. They are FREE during that time. You can upgrade to get recording access. 

Upgrade to get access to the LIVE events and workshops! 


20-45 minute action packed class demos, lesson plan walkthroughs, workshops, and step-by-step guides.

  Geared for low-prep, practical, I-can-do-this-tomorrow ideas.

All on-demand presentations are available for 24 hours for FREE - see the ALL-ACCESS package for lifetime access pricing. 


It's all going down in the community Facebook group - Practical & Comprehensible!

In there, we have places for you to connect with each other, connect DIRECTLY with presenters, and win prizes!

Link to join after you register 

Want in on the Live Workshops & PD Certificate? 

The All-Access Pass has unlimited lifetime access to not only the on-demand content, but exclusive LIVE speaker panels and workshops. 

If you want an interactive conference experience, the All-Access Pass is for you! 

details provided upon registration 



Giveaways to attendees throughout the event, but only in the Facebook group, so get on in there! 

Who This is For:

This conference is for world language teachers interested in proficiency oriented instruction, no matter your level of experience. 

We have presentations for every language and speciality, including French immersion, international presenters, and several specialty topic presenters outside of world language to hit every single facet of your classroom. 

Get your free ticket

Register to get your free spot at the conference - you don't want to miss this lineup! 

Practical Ideas You Can Use Tomorrow  


This is a very different virtual conference experience than what you're used to.

Instead of a disconnected series of lectures, this is a community-oriented virtual event with:

 - interviews

- Q&As

- teacher community

- tons of live interaction and a party-like celebration of what makes nerding out about language so fun!

- a learning goal and focused conference curriculum that keeps us focused through the event.

We're bound and determined to make the CELEBRATION of COMMUNICATION stick for you the whole year round.  

Every single presenter was hand-selected by me because of their shared conviction that proficiency is the only way to reach every student in your room, keep your teacher sanity and joy, and get your students amazing acquisition results in the classroom. 

Mission: The conference has grown to be a much larger mission than my first scratches in my teacher planner a few years ago, but the purpose is the same:


Make proficiency through CI sustainable by connecting teachers with talented teacher presenters who unlock the joy, inclusivity + rejuvenation that proficiency brings to both students and teachers.



 All through practical ideas that teachers can use tomorrow.


We're here to make CI the norm through the power of community and practical ideas - you in? 

Here's what other teachers are saying!


Here's what other teachers are saying!

Get your free ticket

Register to get your free spot at the conference - you don't want to miss this lineup!