Feeling drained?
Recharge your battery & get support from classroom proficiency experts when you need it most
Refresh your world language teaching practice with a community-oriented virtual conference
Yes! Send me my free ticket for this online conference for world language teachers
Practical & Comprehensible
REFRESH: Spring 2023 virtual conference
April 20-23rd
fresh life & motivation for your world language class
A Virtual Event for World Language Teachers New to CI/Proficiency
45+ presentations for all topics, languages, and levels of experience with communicative language teaching
YES! Register me for free!You don't need more PD notes that will forever live in your filing cabinet and/or scary desktop.
You need solutions.
What you really want is to...

#1 See what all the fuss is about CI anyway

#2 See how real teachers are adjusting for the demands of this year's students and their unique needs

#3 Learn how to transition to proficiency without midnight grading

#4 Make steps towards more thoughtful and inclusive classroom practice

#5 Finally have a STRATEGY for the end of the year that re-energizes you and your students. Sure, we're still counting down the days till break, but each one gets easier instead of harder.
Get Support in Your CI Journey When it Matters Most
Register for this free annual world language conference and REFRESH your class!
Here's what other teachers are saying!

The Speakers
Get ready for this hotfire speaker lineup. You won't want to miss this!
Day 1
April 20th

Sarah Barrientos Svatos | The Stress Free Spanish Teacher
FRESH Ideas of Activities to do AFTER a Reading!

Bertha Delgadillo
Creative Presentational Speaking Assessments that Lead to Refreshing Results

Jenniffer Whyte - Afro-Latina Teacher
What Do I Do With All These Black History Resources?

Sophia Forker
How to Manage 4+ Preps and Make it Home in Time for Dinner

Jennifer Degenhardt & Theresa Marrama of Digilangua
Reading: Reaping the Rewards (FVR to Finish the School Year)

John Sifert, Padre de Cinco Books
Classroom Jobs - How to Start Using Them TOMORROW (and Beyond)!

Pav Kaur - FLE Avec Mme D
Fun French Games to Play on JEU-di or Any Day of the Week!

Jocelynn Hubbard
3 Keys to Unlock Limitless Student Potential in Your Classroom

Yanina Jimenez
How to Create MASTERY & LASTING Learning
Day 1 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass
April 20th

LIVE: Devon Gunning - La Libre Language Learning
Out of Thin Air: How to Make Magic Happen Without Resources or Support

LIVE: Jennifer Degenhardt & Theresa Marrama of Digilangua
Ask Us Anything About Teaching with Novels!
Day 2
April 21st

Allison Wienhold | Mis Clases Locas
Freshening Up Weekend Chat

Sherry Sebesta - World Language Café
Using Boom Cards to Improve Student Proficiency and Save Your Sanity!

Dr. Kami J. Anderson
The Color of Language: Centering Students of Color in the World Language Classroom

Meg Fandel Vernon
2 Basic CI Upgrades (Circling & TPR)

Courtney Bonino of Llearning Llama
IPAs Are Not Just for Happy Hour

Joshua Cabral from the World Language Classroom Podcast
Step 1: CI Through Interpretive Reading...then what?

Amy Marshall / Zonadeprofes
MASH - The Perfect Way to Create a Story in a Game Format

Sarah Melo M.Ed of Melo Math
Enseignants 2e à la 5e: La résolution de problèmes en manipulant!

Tracy E. Rucker
Practical Strategies to Build Communicative Proficiency in our Diverse Classrooms
Day 2 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass
April 21st

LIVE: Allison Litten
Clip Chat for Elementary
Day 3
April 22nd

Devon Gunning - La Libre Language Learning
Your Best Unit Ever: 5 Keys to Less Planning, More Culture, and More Student Proficiency

Angie Torre of Best PowerPoints & More for Spanish and French
How to Set the Foundation for a Comprehensible Classroom

Elodie Channa | Comprehensible Input ON
Building community through CI

Allison Litten
Clip Chat Next Steps

Lauren Monique | Parfaitement Bilingue
How I Planned a Month of Lessons... In Less Than 3 Hours

Meredith White
There's No Place Like Chrome: Google Chrome for Workflow, Organization, and Comprehensible Planning

Rachel Nye | Safe Space Teaching
The Discipline Shift: How to Get Consequences to Stick
Day 3 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass
April 22nd

LIVE: Sarah Melo M.Ed of Melo Math
Teaching Numbers Using Phonemic Awareness for French & French Immersion

LIVE: Jessie Feliz | Spanish S.W.A.G.
Hook 'Em with the Beat! Using Hip Hop en la Clase de Español

LIVE: Grace V. Sotomayor Mantri | Guava: Creative Solutions For Evolving Education
Work Culture Clash: When Colleagues or Admin Show Resistance Towards CI And How To Respond
Day 4
April 23rd

Erin Coleman, M. Ed. | The Engaged Spanish Classroom
Building Strong Interpretive Assessments with Erin Coleman from the Engaged Spanish Classroom

Maria Jernigan - Redshift Education
I flat-out STOPPED preparing for school. 😯 Here’s what happened.

Bryce Hedstrom
New Language, New Setting: What I’ve Learned Teaching a New Language

Ben Powell, Modern Foreign Languages Teacher from England
Is Your Input REALLY Comprehensible? How to Easily Use Metacognition to Fully Unlock the Learning Process for All Students

Diane Neubauer, PhD
Finishing the Year Well: Units Based on Films & the Original MovieTalk Format

Tia Parnell from Parfaitement Parnell
Building Community Through Project-Based Learning

JJ Epperson
What the heck is going on? And other questions for educating post 2020 shut-down students

Sierra Wessels | Profe Sierra
Refresh Novel Reading with Literature Circles

Alexia Cruz, Cruz Connections
“But I’m Not Hispanic”: Creating a Culturally Responsive World Language Classroom Community for Diverse Learners
Day 4 LIVE - Available with All-Access Pass
April 23rd

LIVE: Connie Navarro
TPR for Deeper Engagement and Longer Retention

LIVE: Meg Fandel Vernon
Teacher Wellbeing
Here's what other teachers are saying!

You're not supposed to figure out proficiency on your own.
Your energy is too important to just keep counting down the days till break.
Refresh and revive your spark with a supportive community that's eager to share with you!

Can never leave your work at work - you always feel like there's more to do and more to learn.

You feel like you'll never catch up - the work just piles up and you're never sure if you're working on the right things.

You know proficiency must be important, but you have little support at school to make it happen. Who has time for that in a year like this?
It's time to take proficiency off the back burner and see what's possible
practical, actionable ideas you can use tomorrow
Get your free ticket
Register to get your free spot at the conference - you don't want to miss this lineup!

Devon Gunning
Hi! I'm a curriculum designer, consultant, and instructional coach for proficiency-style world language teachers.
My specialties are social justice infused curriculum, teacher self care, Francophone culture, and novice low-mid CI resources. In my program Practical Proficiency, I help teachers transition from legacy methods to CI/Proficiency and still leave work on time.
I created this summit for busy, like-minded teachers to start using CI as a way to streamline your classroom instead of adding to your workload.
The Details
April 20th -23rd (THURS-SUN)
Where & HOW
In your jimjams, via virtual on-demand presentations in a FREE video platform.
- options to upgrade and join in on select LIVE presentations -
45 minute action packed class demos, lesson plan walkthroughs, workshops, and step-by-step guides. Geared for low-prep I-can-do-this-tomorrow ideas.
All on-demand presentations are available for 24 hours for FREE - see the ALL-ACCESS package for lifetime access pricing.
Hang out with like-minded teachers like you and get all the juicy details from the presenters in our free Facebook group - Practical & Comprehensible! Link to join after you register
Get Access Longer than 24 hours + PD Cert + Live Workshops
The All Access Pass has unlimited lifetime access to not only the on-demand content, but exclusive LIVE speaker panels and workshops.
If you want an interactive experience, the All-Access Pass is for you!
You're busy - and there's a lot of info here! Watch at anytime and with exclusive bonus materials by upgrading to the ALL-Access Pass.
Even better? Get the tools of the trade in the Launchpad Resource Library jam-packed with over $450 worth of lesson plans to get you started right away.
Special Early Bird Pricing of 25% off when you buy before the event!
Giveaways to attendees throughout the event, but only in the Facebook group, so get on in there!
Who This is For:
This conference is for world language teachers interested in proficiency oriented instruction, no matter your level of experience.
We have presentations for every language and speciality, including French immersion, international presenters, and several specialty topic presenters outside of world language to hit every single facet of your classroom.
Get your free ticket
Register to get your free spot at the conference - you don't want to miss this lineup!
What Makes Practical and Comprehensible So Different?
This is a very different virtual conference experience than what you're used to. Instead of a disconnected series of lectures, this is a community-oriented virtual event with interviews, Q&As, teacher community, and a learning goal that keeps us focused through the event.
We're bound and determined to make the FOUNDATIONS aka the stuff we can't live without in our classroom practice to stick for you this year.
Every single presenter was hand-selected by me because of their shared conviction that proficiency is the only way to reach every student in your room, keep your teacher sanity and joy, and get your students amazing acquisition results in the classroom.
Mission: The conference has grown to be a much larger mission than my first scratches in my teacher planner a few years ago, but the purpose is the same:
Make proficiency through CI sustainable by connecting teachers with talented teacher presenters who unlock the joy, inclusivity + rejuvenation that proficiency brings to both students and teachers.
All through practical ideas that teachers can use tomorrow.
We're here to make CI the norm through the power of community and practical ideas - you in?
Not Your Average Teacher PD
This is PD run for teachers, by teachers. We know you don't have time for a frankenstein mess of perfect world lesson plans that take hours to put together and you can only use once.
You need strategies that will work tomorrow for your very real class. Each class is highly specific, and designed to teach you real strategies from CI veteran teachers rather than one and done activities.
You'll end REFRESHED and recharged for the final semester through proficiency rooted in the magic of CI, with less work from you and more results for your students.
Here's what other teachers are saying!

Who is this conference for?
Who is this NOT for?
Is it really free?
How does it work?
Get your free ticket
Register to get your free spot at the conference - you don't want to miss this lineup!
Here's what other teachers are saying!