Join the Practical & Comprehensible FREE Conference Waitlist

And get your ticket first for next year's event in 2023!


What Makes Practical and Comprehensible So Different? 


Mission: The purpose of this conference is two-fold. 1 is to make best practice accessible to all teachers by providing high quality, free training and sharing the best talent in the world language field with those who need it most. 

#2: Make proficiency through CI sustainable by connecting teachers with talented teacher presenters who unlock the joy, inclusivity + rejuvenation that proficiency brings to both students and teachers.

 All through practical ideas that teachers can use tomorrow.


The purpose-driven, action-oriented nature of this free online event means that you will leave with true momentum and progress that last longer than regular events. It is intended to help you leap over the obstacles that make CI difficult to execute on the day to day.

The carefully crafted learning path  of each focused conference topic puts ideas into motion faster. 

2023 focus: REFRESH 

You will leave the April 21-23 event prepped for the chaos of the last part of the year. With presentations focused on your own low energy, low student engagement, finals and assessments, and prepping for both the end of the year and the start of next year, we're REVIVING the last stretch of the year so you can finish strong 💪 . 

Community, Content, & Classes!

Every participant gets an invite to join our Facebook community where you can connect with other educators and interact with presenters LIVE during the conference.

Join Waitlist

Over 20 Remarkable Presenters

From CI classroom routines to  to incorporating novels, you'll receive access to presentations and downloadable content from educators around the world.

Last Year's Presenters

Practical & Comprehensible -

A Virtual Conference of Actionable Steps to Switch to CI 


Not Your Average Teacher PD


This is PD run for teachers, by teachers. We know you don't have time for a frankenstein mess of perfect world lesson plans that take hours to put together and you can only use once. 

You need strategies that will work tomorrow and still allow you to have a life outside of school. 

Each class is designed to work with your very real classroom environment and not add to your plate. From step-by-step demos to full out lesson plans, this conference is about stuff you can use tomorrow instead of ideas that live in your binder.  

How it Works: 

  • Free presentations for 24 hours 
  • option to upgrade to unlimited access
  • over 5,500 attendees and 35+ speakers in 2021
  • 3-day virtual event hosted by La Libre Language Learning 
  • Attendees work through a learning goal. Last year, attendees created a 2-week outline of back to school lessons 
  • You'll get invited to join via email where you can watch pre-recorded presentations at your leisure during the live event. Hop into the FB group and the LIVE speaker panels to connect with speakers and other attendees and get your questions answered. Upgrade to practice your skills in real time with live zoom sessions!

Join the Waitlist - Practical and Comprehensible Conference 

Join the 5,500 other world language teachers at the  virtual conference dedicated to real CI teaching ideas that you can use tomorrow! 

Join the waitlist and be the first to know when the FREE limited 3 day experience happens April 21-23, 2023.

Check out what other world language teachers are saying!

My favorite part about the conference was the practical advice from experienced teachers as well as the innovative new ideas from teachers wanting to change the landscape of language teaching.

- Samantha

I loved the variety of topics covered. It is so hard for me to find any relevant PD for world languages that aren't boring or just going over the standards or so generic. These people knew what they were talking about & all of the content was relevant to our students & current situation with COVID. I loved all of the presenters and they all brought such unique ideas that I can easily implement into my class.

- A.

My favorite part of the conference was the sharing of amazing online platforms and resources! There are direct resources I can use. I LOVED seeing how each teacher uses the new setting, such as simply setting a virtual background as the vocab words!

- V.

Taking a moment as a community share how we've found ways to cope & even thrive "in the classroom" during the pandemic. So many resilient and capable teachers sitting alone & doing great things in a bubble is such a waste! Sharing what has made our lives easier is soooooooo powerful. It gives hope.

- B.